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Importance of Physiotherapy in sports injuries


The sports physical therapy is a specialization within physiotherapy, aimed at all those who, sporadically or habitual, do sport, regardless of their level. That is, you do not have to be a professional to use sports physiotherapy. Moreover, precisely people who start practicing sports after a long time without exercise, it is convenient to go to your physiotherapy center so that a specialist helps you prepare muscularly and help you avoid future Sports Injuries Etobicoke.

What is sports physiotherapy?

Sports physiotherapy consists of the application, by a qualified specialist, of different treatments such as:

  • Electrotherapy
  • Application of heat
  • Thermotherapy
  • Massages
  • Hydrotherapy

In addition to the application of these treatments, the sports physiotherapist will work specific and therapeutic exercises according to a series of techniques, which will achieve the main objective of this type of physiotherapy, that is, the sports recovery of the patient.

The role of the sports physiotherapist

The role of the sports physiotherapist is fundamental in clubs and sports teams - football, handball, water polo - since at more professional levels, he is in charge of ensuring the muscular health of athletes.

It is very important not to confuse sports physiotherapy with any other type of massage performed in non-specialized centers since sports physiotherapists are prepared to treat these ailments. The physiotherapists are qualified experts with knowledge of anatomy, physiology and, of course, sports injuries.

It is precisely thanks to experience and preparation, what helps us to prepare a diagnosis of the patient, as well as the choice of the best treatment so that it can be recovered as soon as possible and in the best conditions.

In short, the role of sports physiotherapy and, therefore, sports physiotherapist is to recover the functionality of the athlete as quickly as possible, limiting the training to a minimum and accelerating the biological recovery processes.

How to avoid sports injuries

There are several ways to avoid sports injuries, but the main one is prevention. For this, there are three very important things:

  1. Use protection: depending on the sport you practice assiduously, go well protected. Use a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, shin guards, gloves ... Do not play it! A bad injury can keep you away from the sport for a long time, as well as the risk it can pose to your health.
  2. Warm up before doing sport e. warming up is essential so that the body prepares itself for the exercise of greater intensity. Wake up your muscles gradually and you will see how you will perform your activities better and you will not feel so "stupid".

  3. Stop sports practice if you have discomfort or pain: although it may seem obvious, it is not so. There are many people who, while they are practicing a sport, feel discomfort or a sting but still think about "it will pass". The downside is that it did not always happen and, what could have been nonsense, can turn into an injury that separates you from the sports field for quite some time.